George W Bush, Astrology & Astro*Carto*Graphy
Part 2 of 5: New York
Bush's chart provides 5 classic examples of how A*C*G works

George W Bush: click to view his natal chartClick on photo to view GWB's birth chart.

New York/Pluto: out of the ashes the phoenix is reborn

GWB's Pluto, the planet associated with destruction and re-birth, runs through New York. Certainly this is the place where GWB personally felt the bitter collective pain of mass destruction caused by vengeful suicide terrorists.

Until this point it may have been a city about which GWB had mixed feelings. However, when he returned to the smouldering ruins, tragic debris, total desolation and addressed the firefighters and clearance teams, he rediscovered his own power. Days before, his first reaction to the attack appeared timid and uncertain (very Sun Cancer in 12th house). Here in New York as he spoke, he tuned into the mood of his audience, and his voice and language changed. He had reinvented himself as a warrior with a mission.

Example A*C*G Maps for George Bush:

  1. Afghanistan & Middle East
  2. New York City
  3. Texas & Louisiana
  4. Washington DC & Florida
  5. Australia & Pacific Asia

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