George W Bush, Astrology & Astro*Carto*Graphy
Part 4 of 5: Washington & Florida
Bush's chart provides 5 classic examples of how A*C*G works
George W Bush ACG map - East Coast

Washington and Florida [Jupiter/Moon]: Family blessings

In his first election, George W Bush lost the popular vote by more than 500,000 votes to Vice President Al Gore, his Democratic opponent. However, George W Bush still managed to win the Presidency by gaining a controversial victory in Florida and as a result captured sufficient electoral votes to win the White House.

How was he so successful?

GWB has a conjunction of planets in his chart, the Moon and Jupiter in Libra, that indicate that family is a potential source of great blessings. In his Astrocartography handbook, Jim Lewis describes the Moon/Jupiter crossing as place "...where you are admired,....are honored by those in authority, ... Money and honor accrue with least effort, and the family prospers..."

Well as you can see, the Jupiter/Moon combination runs just 150 miles west of Washington and 100 miles east of West Palm Beach. Support from family was crucial in securing the presidency. In Washington, GWB had his parents, notably his mother who enjoy widespread support and influence. Further south on the lines, his brother Jeb as Governor had promised to 'deliver' Florida... and deliver it, he did.

George W Bush: click to view his natal chartClick on photo to view GWB's birth chart.

Example A*C*G Maps for George Bush:

  1. Afghanistan & Middle East
  2. New York City
  3. Texas & Louisiana
  4. Washington DC & Florida
  5. Australia & Pacific Asia

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